Are you working for your computers or, are your computers working for you?


Do you need help in stream-lining your business processes?
Appogee specializes in custom programming.

Let us help with the overwhelming world of options in the computer industry so that you can maximize your investment, time and existing resources.

Our goal is to develop a long-lasting relationship with all of our clients. We create a plan to maintain their existing network, add space, increase security, increase performance, add redundancy and keep our clients informed of new options.

Server Applications: SQL Database integration, accounting, file sharing
Windows Applications: Database driven apps, credit cards, time tracking, inventory, paperwork, barcoding
Cloud Computing: Email automation, web driven data, distributed business logic running on a farm of machines at once
PLC: Ladder logic, importing and exporting of jobs and data between a server and the PLC, laser automation, barcoding, alerts
Microcontroller: Create programs that are uploaded onto a microchip. Interface motor controllers, remote control, displays and even WiFi!

Contact us at: or 714-242-3303